Children don’t say, I had a hard day, can we talk? They say, will you come play with me?
— Lawrence Cohen 

Many of the children and families I see have often disengaged from more traditional talking therapies (or top down approaches) and are seeking a way to connect with their feelings or change difficult patterns of behaviour.

As a therapist I work with what is often referred to as a ‘bottom up’ approach. Meaning simply that I am working with the ‘base’ of the brain. This refers to the part of the brain that is responsible for automatic reflexes and survival responses (like your ‘fight, flight, freeze response) This part of the brain stores certain types of memories too.

Some of the benefits of a bottom up approach are:

  • Learning to be ok with difficult, previously unmanageable, uncomfortable feelings without becoming overwhelmed. 

  • Acquiring skills to tolerate and respond to difficult feelings without wanting to block or numb the discomfort. 

  • Developing an increased awareness and range of responses to better understand what our particular triggers are. 

  • Learning to successfully navigate difficult feelings on our journey towards resolving those triggers and live a fulfilling life.

My therapeutic approach is personal to the child or family seeking therapy. You may be experiencing similar challenges to others but your unique history and culture will mean your response may be different. I draw on my skills and knowledge to work in a way that feels right for you.